Tuesday, 15 July 2008

Wey Hey postcards are go!!

Hello ethical fashionistas everywhere!

We're well excited today as our postcards, beautifully designed by Stephanie Hartman, are ready to go - watch this space for the final image!!

We thought we'd acknowledge all the help and support given to us by Hastings Environment Network hence the snazzy logo that's appeared on the blog - we love you loads HEN xx www.hastingsenvironment.net

So now we have the publicity almost there it's time to sign up to show and sell your wares, there are still a few slots for designers so come along and join in.

We're finalising the press releases this week so soon, news of the event will be everywhere.

If you don't live in Hastings, why not make a weekend of it, as there will be the yummy seafood and wine festival, and the arts extravaganza Coastal Currents all happening on the same weekend. Go on, treat yourselves, you know you want to...

Also watch out for our talent scouts, who may approach you to model in the show! Be sure to be on best sashaying form when out and about in Hastings and St Leonards over the next few weeks. The casting session is booked and ready to roll.

Lots of love and bye for now


Saturday, 12 July 2008


Doesn't that just sound like a great introduction?

Sorry that updates have been sparse, we all have been busy writing sponsoring letters and getting all the designers together and organised, and then life is taking over sometimes too...

ANYWAY, it's great to see confirmations coming in on a daily basis, the enthusiasm this event is creating is contageous, and it's a joy to see it all slowly coming together. I find myself walking around town bumping into people willing to help in any way they can. It is becoming an inspired community event which will further help put Hastings on the map as a vibrant and creative town.

We are also very lucky that the FRONT ROW Ethical Fashion Show & Fair 2008 will take place during Coastal Currents Arts and the Hastings Seafood & Wine Festival, so it will be an amazing weekend in September nobody can afford to miss ..

So, today will be a short one as i have to write more emails now.

best wishes from all of us at

Friday, 4 July 2008

Good evening everyone!

Our last meeting yesterday was a very short but extremely pleasant one (we do actually know how to have some fun too). Still working hard at drafting sponsoring letters, we're waiting for completion of our artwork and then we're off. This is the moment we've been waiting for to contact everyone and go completely public with this fabulous project the

FRONT ROW Ethical Fashion Show 2008

We had been a bit in limbo during June while waiting for funding approval, but we feel the excitement mounting as we will be getting all the designers together. It will be sooooo glamorous!!! Our contact list is quite impressive and we are planning a day in Brighton to source more and i suppose it could be combined with a little shopping?

Our call for fashion talent to come up with ideas to create PAPERCOUTURE as part of the Fashion Show on Friday, 19th September has been answered and we've been sending out details. The brief is to create A Million Dollar For One Minute creation completely out of paper.Think Victor & Rolf, Galliano and McQueen, be glamorous and outrageous .....

Send an email to maika.crampton@yahoo.co.uk
Deadline for design draft is August 1st. 2008 so get designing.

I really intended to make this blog entry a bit exciting layout wise, but somehow the toolbar has disappeared ... must check that out.

Anyway, this is night night now.